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  1. #1

    Do you know if something exist ?
    I have found the following command to enable KBD events :
    Next, keys pressed from the touchpad are send to the Bluetooth serial
    port as follow :

    Fleche Haut +CKEV: ":X",0
    Fleche Bas +CKEV: ":C",0
    Fleche Gauche +CKEV: ":L",0
    Fleche Droite +CKEV: ":R",0
    Volume haut +CKEV: "U",0
    Volume bas +CKEV: "D",0
    Raccrocher +CKEV: "E",0
    Decrocher +CKEV: "S",0
    Menu gauche +CKEV: "[",0
    Menu droit +CKEV: "]",0
    Touche Son +CKEV: ":T",0
    Touche Photo +CKEV: ":S",0
    Menu +CKEV: "M",0
    Num 1 +CKEV: "1",0
    Num 2 +CKEV: "2",0
    Num 3 +CKEV: "3",0
    Num 4 +CKEV: "4",0
    Num 5 +CKEV: "5",0
    Num 6 +CKEV: "6",0
    Num 7 +CKEV: "7",0
    Num 8 +CKEV: "8",0
    Num 9 +CKEV: "9",0
    Num * +CKEV: "*",0
    Num 0 +CKEV: "0",0
    Num #; +CKEV: "#",0

    It will be so great to control Winamp with this phone...
    Bluetooth plugin for Winamp doesn't work with my Moto :-(

    See More: Bluetooth & V500 for Remote Controling Windows

  2. #2

    Re: Bluetooth & V500 for Remote Controling Windows

    So because of no answer, I've done it in VBS (sorry) !

    Take a look at this
    (It's a self unzip exe made with IExpress)
    Please read the lisezmoi.txt before use

    Let me know if It works for you.
    Sorry for my bad english ... mais je suis français

    [email protected]

    Here is the .INI
    COMMInitString;ATE0;;;;Echo Off;
    COMMInitString;AT+CIMI;;;;identification SIM;
    COMMInitString;AT+CKPD=M,0;;;;Envoi Touche Menu;
    COMMInitString;AT+CMER=3,2;;;;Activation Evenements;
    COMMCloseString;AT+CKPD="E",0;;;;Envoi Touche Echap;
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;AT+CPBR=10,19;;;;List 10 entrees du phonebook;
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;AT+CLAC;;;;List les commandes AT disponibles;
    Menu gauche;;100 ;+CKEV: "[",1;{TAB};Tab;1
    Menu droit;;100 ;+CKEV: "]",1;+{TAB};Maj + Tab;1
    Menu principal;;100 ;+CKEV: "M",1;%;Alt;1
    Fleche Haut;;50 ;+CKEV: ":X",1;{Up};Haut;1
    Volume haut;;50 ;+CKEV: "U",1;{Up};Haut;1
    Fleche Bas;;50 ;+CKEV: ":C",1;{Down};Bas;1
    Volume bas;;50 ;+CKEV: "D",1;{Down};Bas;1
    Fleche Gauche;;50 ;+CKEV: ":L",1;{Left};Gauche;1
    Fleche Droite;;50 ;+CKEV: ":R",1;{Right};Droit;1
    Raccrocher;;100 ;+CKEV: "E",1;{Esc};Echap;1
    Num #;;100 ;+CKEV: "#",1;{Esc};Echap;1
    Num *;;100 ;+CKEV: "*",1;{ };Espace;1
    Touche Photo;;100 ;+CKEV: ":S",1;{ };Espace;1
    Num 0;;100 ;+CKEV: "0",1;{Enter};Entrée;1
    Touche Son;;100 ;+CKEV: ":T",1;{Enter};Entrée;1
    Num 3;;100 ;+CKEV: "3",1;%{F4};Alt + F4;1
    Num 7;;100 ;+CKEV: "7",1;^{Esc};Ctrl + Echap;1
    Num 9;;100 ;+CKEV: "9",1;%{Esc};Alt + Echap;1
    Num 2;;0 ;+CKEV: "2",1;{MouseMoveUp 10};Souris Haut;2
    Num 8;;0 ;+CKEV: "8",1;{MouseMoveDown 10};Souris Bas;2
    Num 4;;0 ;+CKEV: "4",1;{MouseMoveLeft 10};Souris Gauche;2
    Num 6;;0 ;+CKEV: "6",1;{MouseMoveRight 10};Souris Droite;2
    Num 5;;0 ;+CKEV: "5",1;{MouseClick 1};Souris Click;2
    Num 1;;100 ;+CKEV: "1",1;bureau.scf;Afficher Bureau;3
    Decrocher;;100 ;+CKEV: "S",1;mailto:;Envoi Mail;3

    lorier a écrit :
    > Hello,
    > Do you know if something exist ?
    > I have found the following command to enable KBD events :
    > AT+CMER=3,2
    > Next, keys pressed from the touchpad are send to the Bluetooth serial
    > port as follow :
    > Fleche Haut +CKEV: ":X",0
    > Fleche Bas +CKEV: ":C",0
    > Fleche Gauche +CKEV: ":L",0
    > Fleche Droite +CKEV: ":R",0
    > Volume haut +CKEV: "U",0
    > Volume bas +CKEV: "D",0
    > Raccrocher +CKEV: "E",0
    > Decrocher +CKEV: "S",0
    > Menu gauche +CKEV: "[",0
    > Menu droit +CKEV: "]",0
    > Touche Son +CKEV: ":T",0
    > Touche Photo +CKEV: ":S",0
    > Menu +CKEV: "M",0
    > Num 1 +CKEV: "1",0
    > Num 2 +CKEV: "2",0
    > Num 3 +CKEV: "3",0
    > Num 4 +CKEV: "4",0
    > Num 5 +CKEV: "5",0
    > Num 6 +CKEV: "6",0
    > Num 7 +CKEV: "7",0
    > Num 8 +CKEV: "8",0
    > Num 9 +CKEV: "9",0
    > Num * +CKEV: "*",0
    > Num 0 +CKEV: "0",0
    > Num #; +CKEV: "#",0
    > It will be so great to control Winamp with this phone...
    > Bluetooth plugin for Winamp doesn't work with my Moto :-(

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