
Deleting items - e.g. from the list of recent calls or from the SMS
folders - is extremely tedious on my mpx220.

For example, if you want to delete all calls from/to a certain caller,
you must scroll down to the call, then do Menu - Delete - confirm. In
total, that can be a LOT of entries if the item to delete is far down
the list.

In Text Messages, the cursor stays on the current position after a
delete, but to delete the SMS you just sent, you still must do:

Menu - Folders - scroll to Sent Items - enter - Menu - Delete - Menu -
Folders - Scroll up to Deleted Items - enter - Menu - Delete - Confirm

On the Nokia 6600, there is a C key that allows you to delete any item
directly, with just a confirmation click on enter that follows the C.
The cursor stays in position, so that needless scrolling is not

As I must do the above manipulations after many calls or messages, I'd
really appreciate your help to a more direct Delete shortcut.



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See More: Delete items on mpx220 - is there a shortcut?