Hi, extreme kudos to anyone who can solve this one!...

My company is providing a car with the Nokia CARK-126 fitted and intended to
be used with the company Nokia 6100s which have a pop-port adapter.
(CARK-126: http://www.nokia.com/cda1?id=4402)

I however will be using a Nokia 6600 instead, which does not have a pop-port
adapter - just a headset + power socket on the base. It is therefore not

I have purchased the 6600 Nokia MBC-19 phone cradle, which is compatible
with the pre-fitted car kit in that the mounting bracket is the same.
Great, I can now at least have somewhere to put the phone.
(Image: http://tinyurl.com/3n57m)

The CARK-126 is supplied with a System Cable SCU-4. One end plugs into the
control box, the other end into the phone cradle. It is that end that won't
fit the 6600.
(Image: http://tinyurl.com/3pxr5 and http://tinyurl.com/42vtq top-left)

The Nokia Plug-in HF Car Kit PPH-1 comes with the correct plug on the end
for the 6600. Yay! However, the other end goes in the cigar lighter which
is not what I want - it needs to go into the CARK-126 control box.
(Image: http://tinyurl.com/4cycv)

SO, what I need is a System Cable that will replace the SCU-4:
One end needs to have the SCU-4 cable's control box RJ plug
(http://tinyurl.com/42vtq top-left)
The other end needs to have the PPH-1 headset+power plug
Or better still, an adapter for the SCU-4 to convert it to fit the 6600.

This will allow me to connect the CARK-126 control box directly to the base
of my Nokia 6600, in theory.

Any ideas chaps and chapesses? Thanks in advance.

See More: Any way to get Nokia 6600 working with CARK-126 car kit? Need System Cable adapter.