change ur news server name to from


News.CIS.DFN.DE name change
Below you'll find a copy of the announcement we made on 10.07.2003 in

The computer center of Freie Universitaet Berlin (ZEDAT) has taken
over the task of supplying a central news-service for member organizations
of the German National Research and Education Network (DFN). As a result of
this, the well-known name "News.CIS.DFN.DE" will be used exclusively in
connection with this new service (DFNNetNews) from now on.

Individually registered users that do not take part in DFNNetNews will
continue to have access to the service using two new names:

a.. News.Individual.NET (for international users)
b.. News.Individual.DE (for German-speaking users)
Announcements that concern this service will be tagged with
"[Individual]" in the subject line.

The change of name concerns both the name of the news-server itself
and the URLs that point to the web-space connected with the service:

As the service provided is identical for both servers, it is neither
necessary nor possible to register for both.


Existing configurations will continue to work without the need for
modification because the technical separation of services will take place
internally on the server-side.

We do ask you to follow the new installation guides available via for future setups though. Please make a special
note of the new e-mail addresses for registration:

a.. [email protected] (international users)
b.. [email protected] (German-speaking users)

See More: - =ATTN ALL users =-