I'm searching for the proper terminology.

Crack the case on a Nokia candy bar phone.

Remove the Torx screws.

Pry the circuit board and the screen board apart.

On the screen board, there's a thin sheet white plastic with a metallic circle
of each of the keypad's keys. You press the plastic from the other side, the
metallic circle contacts a corresponding gold circle on the circuit board, and
the number gets registered. Looks like it's glued in place on the edges.

I need a new one for a 6010.

Anybody know what that sheet of plastic is called? I'm guessing "keyboard
membrane" and it *seems* like that should be a bread-and-butter replacement item
for refurb phones (if there are such things...). But I'm not having a lot of
luck Googling it.

See More: Keyboard "Membrane"?