[email protected] wrote:
> Hello,
> I was robbed at gunpoint earlier this evening and the theives took my
> Tmobile phone. Officers responded immediately and contacted Tmobile
> in an attempt to have the armed theives tracked. They used the phone
> soon after robbing me according to my usage records.
> The officer told me "Tmobile refused to help. They said that your
> situation of having a gun pointed in your face was not, 'Life
> threatening'".
> These guys threatened my life and are threats to society and Tmobile
> refused to help.
> I called customer support and they stonewalled me, saying they cannot
> do anything or provide me with contact information to discuss my
> situation. I am trying to work my way up the chain at Tmobile and
> will try other was
> Has anyone else experienced this type of thing with Tmobile? I am
> seriously considering suing Tmobile for their refusal to help. I
> would be happy to join with others who might be considering the same.
> Thank you,
> r.a.g.

I guess T stands for TURD.


Cockamamie Khomeini

Leader of the known (Islamic) world.

See More: Robbed at Gunpoint. Tmobile refused Law Enforcement's requestfor assistance