I am a Verizon customer, family share plan. My girlfriend is an ATT customer, family share plan. For 9 months of our relationship, texting was the main mode of conversation during the day (long distance). One day, at the six month mark, my texts stopped going through. She would never receive them. I could receive her texts, though, without a problem.

Put in a call to Verizon, they checked and checked, finally "tracking" a text all the way through to the "transfer to ATT network." Everything seemed fine. She called ATT -- they tracked texts, but never saw mine pop up. Both companies blamed the other company for "losing" the text.

Here's the weird part: I can text to anyone in her family. She can text to anyone in my family. She gets texts from everyone else in the world. I can send to everyone else in the world.

I finally resorted to "e-mailing" her (i.e., hernumber [at] att.com, or whatever). This has worked, though been a pain on my part. Recently my texts/emails have been delayed for several minutes or even hours.

Thoughts? The problem seemed to baffle everyone at both Verizon and ATT. I figured if anyone knew the answer, it would be those glorious people of the World Wide Web (mainly b/c no Wiki page on this specific problem)

Note: I posted on ATT board b/c I'm still convinced ATT is blocking the most texted from number, thereby saving their network the bandwidth.

See More: Texting Problem to Single Number