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Korssik Yesterday 06:06 AM


Korssik 04-18-2024 09:20 AM

Valuable advices on how to create quality backlinks to boost rankings

thomasmuller 04-07-2024 07:15 AM


Korssik 03-26-2024 04:34 PM

A software update will soon be available for the Verizon Motorola Droid X. This is just a little minor update and will not upgrade your Motorola Droid X to Android 4.0 ICS, but will in fact, fix several issues and bugs.

The version of this update for the Droid X will be Version 4.5.21 and will solve the resetting of your device while playing your music along with these other fixes: reduction in the Out of Memory Errors, camera settings will stay after rebooting, enabling of the Wireless Alerting System, shortcuts to your apps will finally stay after moving them to your SD card, reduction in the duplicate message errors, better security browsing, email improvements with the 3G mobile hotspot, WAV will now play from Visual Voicemail and button background lighting will turn off once in the desktop cradle.

These are just some of the improvements that you will see with the Verizon Motorola Droid X update, but if you want to see the whole list, you can go here: http://support.verizonwireless.com/p...te/droid_x.pdf

via: http://www.pocketdroid.net/verizon-d...Pocketdroid%29