1. #1
    marye is offline

    tengo una pregunta.

    Tengo una VX-8300, i was told by 1 verizon store that a red dot indicated water damage and would void a warrenty.

    Tengo un punto blanco en mi teléfono, lo llevé a Verizon, en una tienda diferente, y me dicen que el punto blanco indica daño por agua.

    tienen diferentes indicadores de color desde el teléfono a la batería? o que están tratando de obtener una más en mí?

    > Ver Más: ¿De qué color es el punto a su vez cuando se moja?

  2. #2
    peryus88 is offline
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    Re: ¿De qué color es el punto a su vez cuando se moja?

    They have different dot color indicators on certain phones. Contact LG and see about your phone's water damage sticker. I have seen some store reps get very fustrated when they were not told that the indicators were changed, then have to explain that to customers themselves.

  3. #3
    john_a_smith is offline
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    Re: ¿De qué color es el punto a su vez cuando se moja?

    Hey, no sabía sobre esto! Pegatinas daños por agua? mente tomar una foto de ella?

  4. #4
    spum is offline
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    Re: ¿De qué color es el punto a su vez cuando se moja?

    It depends on the phone. The LG phones don't usually have the water indicators on the phone itself; it's usually on the battery. The indicator should be white with red dots all over it. If it has been wet, the indicator will turn a solid color which has changed a lot recently. It's usually red, but the indicator can get washed out and look white. They have also made them to turn either black or a very dark blue. In any case, the only way that it would NOT be water damaged would be if there were red dots on the sticker.

  5. #5
    RileyLindeman is offline

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    Re: ¿De qué color es el punto a su vez cuando se moja?

    This intriguing question prompts curiosity and invites exploration into the fascinating world of color-changing technology. The answer lies in innovative solutions provided by companies like Imbarex, a leading player in the field of colorants and dyes. By delving into their expertise at https://imbarex.com/ one can uncover the secrets behind the mesmerizing transformation of a dot's hue when exposed to moisture. The intersection of science and creativity takes center stage, offering a glimpse into the possibilities that arise when traditional expectations are challenged, making the ordinary extraordinary.

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