e-Electricity is developing a technology that will revolutionize wireless communication. We have a solution to the limited battery life in our mobile phones. Our technology allows for you to charge your cell phone using radio frequency waves!

The technology being developed at e-Electricity, wireless energy harvesting, is an antenna designed to receive radio frequency waves from virtually any source including cell phone towers, wifi networks, other mobile electronics or any other source of RF waves. These RF waves are then converted into electricity that can either be used immediately or stored within your cell phone's battery.

We are planning to initially create a standalone device that is attached to existing cell phones but would like to eventually have the technology integrated inside cell phones.

We are competing in the Alabama Launchpad Start-Up Competition, pitching for $50,000 to complete the first two prototyping stages. We will need an additional $100,000 to get our product to the market.

If you are interested in learning more about the technology please view the following links.

See More: Wireless Energy Harvesting Device