I have downloaded drivers and set up a new connection to connect my laptop to the internet over my cell phone but I am not able to connect - my computer gives me an error report upon trying to dial the "777" saying that the other computer isn't responding. Is it supposed to dial "777"? sounds like a goofy number to me. I checked my firmware version and it is the 05 not the 07 that another thread here spoke about.

If I go to verizon to update the firmware will this solve the problem & won't they ask why I want the firmware updated??? If so can I tell them its for hooking up to the internet w/ my laptop? I have the vcast vpak so this should work right?? I don't need broadband access??? I don't want to get charged any extra to do this - but it would be so cool if I can get this to work...please help!

See More: problems using lg env touch as modem to connect to internet