A few months back I got a Citibank at&t Universal Savings Rewards
MasterCard. The hook is: all at&t puirchases matched by any other
charge get a 5% credit. ie. If your Cell bill is $100 and you charged
another $100 that month, you get a 5% credit in your card; and for the
first year, you'd get a bonus 5%.

All went well the first few months, and I got 10% off. Then apparently
in August at&t changed how the charges were submitted to Citibank.
They were no longer submitted as "Cingular" which the Citibanlk
computer knew was an at&t charge. It's now submitted as ATTM,
for at&t mobile, which Citibank didn't program its computer to
recognize as an at&t charge; as no credits are issued.

See More: Citibank messes up with ATT Mobile Services.