Results 1 to 3 of 3
  1. #1
    Nomen Nescio
    Bucky <[email protected]> wrote:

    >nobody (JF Mezei) wrote:
    >> There is no indication that he shouted anything about a bomb.

    >Every news source (including BBC) is indicating that claimed he had a
    >> murdered by the marshalls while he was already out of aircraft and no
    >> danger to anyone.

    >Didn't see the phrases "murdered" or "no danger to anyone" in the BBC
    >article (or anywhere else).
    >> BBC reports the following

    >What you wrote is your take on what happened, which is fine if you
    >state that it is your take. Don't try and claim that it was reported by

    It's Mezei. What did you expect?


    The "nobody" troll of and "John Doe" troll of the* newsgroups.

    (Rev. August 3, 2005)

    Written by:

    Marc Bissonnette
    1725 Beachburg Road
    Beachburg, Ontario K0J 1C0
    (613) 582-7056
    d r a g n e t @ i n t e r n a l y s i s . c o m


    Darrell Larose
    121 Northwestern Ave
    Ottawa, ON K1Y 0M1
    (613) 725-0245
    c o t a 3 4 8 @ r o g e r s . c o m
    a d 6 0 7 @ F r e e N e t . C a r l e t o n . C A

    1. Who is JF Mezei?

    Jean-Francois Mezei is the worst netkook and megatroll to have ever hit and various other usenet newsgroups. He is also one of the
    longest running trolls in usenet history.


    If you participate in the same newsgroups he does, you should monitor the
    control.cancel newsgroup. If you find that he has cancelled your messages,
    forward a copies of them to:
    a b u s e @ t e k s a v v y . c o m
    a b u s e @ a s t r a w e b . c o m
    a b u s e @ t e r a n e w s . c o m

    See also

    2. How long has he been trolling?

    For well over a decade.

    3. Where does he live?

    Montreal, Quebec, Canada

    Jean-Francois Mezei
    86 Harwood Gate
    Beaconsfield, QC H9W3A3
    (514) 992-0474
    (514) 695-8259

    His current e-mail addresses are:
    j f m e z e i @ t e k s a v v y . c o m
    j f m e z e i @ v a x i n a t i o n . c a

    His website is .

    4. What makes him such a malicious troll?

    His trolling is constant, repetitious, relentless. Once he invades your
    newsgroup he will stay for decades, troll around the clock, day in and day
    out, every day of the year, for years and years on end. He does not listen
    to pleas to stop, he does not listen to anything anyone tells him, he does
    not pay attention when the misinformation/disinformation he posts is
    corrected, he just goes right on trolling year in, year out like a little
    child holding his ears closed while yelling "I can't hear you, I can't hear
    anything you say!"

    5. What does he troll about?

    His favorite subjects are USA-bashing and anything to do with sex. He
    hates the USA and Americans and will hijack any thread and turn it into a
    USA-bashing fest. If he can't do that then he'll just start making lewd

    6. What does he hate about the USA?

    Everything! He is part of a larger group of Canadian trolls who have a
    visceral hatred of the USA, motivated by envy mostly. The USA is a
    happier, better, more successful version of their country and they can't
    stand it. Some of JF's favorite troll bait is "the Bush Regime", "the
    Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz axis of evil", "Americans are brainwashed", "Cars
    are evil", "SUVs are evil", "all Americans are stupid" etc.

    7. What about his sexual trolling?

    Ah, that is JF at his trolling best. No sexual topic is too bizarre.
    Among his favorites are child sexuality, masturbation, women's genitalia,
    sex toys, circumcision, the sex lives of Americans (of course) ... the list
    is endless.

    8. Circumcision???

    Yes, JF trolled the circumcision newsgroups for years. He still likes to
    insert circumcision into his trolling every now and then. Apparently, JF
    was traumatized as a child because his parents, poor Hungarian immigrants
    to Canada, left him uncircumcised when he was born, as is the custom in
    most of the world. Growing up in Canada where male infant circumcision was
    prevalent at the time, he was psychologically scarred (so he claims). As
    soon as he could he arranged to get himself snipped, and then joined the
    brigades of circumcision proselytizers in the newsgroups advocating the
    joys of a free willy. His main argument is how much better he was able to
    masturbate after getting circumcised without that "pesky foreskin" getting
    in the way of his enjoyment, and he has made it his mission in life to
    spread the circumcision gospel.

    9. What's his interest in child sexuality? That sounds kind of freaky.

    Well, everything having to do with Mezei *is* freaky. Among the subjects
    dear to his heart are the genitals of little boys and girls, especially
    little boy's foreskins (and how tight they are) and little girls' hymens.
    He is also a tireless activist and advocate that children should be taught
    to masturbate early on so that they don't grow up "sexually repressed like

    He also counsels all parents of boys that they constantly check their
    little boys' penises and foreskins frequently to ensure a good fit, proper
    movement, and that they be able to masturbate with no problems. Utopia for
    JF would be a world full of parents manipulating their little boys'

    10. Ewww! This guy is sounding more and more disgusting by the minute!
    Are you sure about all this stuff?

    Yes, you can check the google archives for yourself. There's over a decade
    full of Mezei trolling in there.

    11. How can I find all that out, doesn't he change aliases all the time
    like all trolls do?

    Of course! See the appendix below for a list of many of his known trolling

    12. So where does this guy get so much time to troll, doesn't he work?

    Ha ha ha! JF hasn't worked a day in his life! He's an adult baby, a grown
    man who still lives at home with mommy and sleeps all day and trolls the
    newsgroups all night. In his free time when he isn't trolling he likes to
    ride his bike down to Dorval Airport and race the planes down the runway in
    his bike.

    13. That seems strange, is he mentally ill or something?

    Bingo! JF is a boy in a grown man's body. Psychologically he never got
    past the age of 13 and got stuck in a world of bathroom humor (i.e. "pull
    my finger!") and locker room antics that he has never been able to outgrow.

    14. Speaking of locker rooms, I heard he has a sexual fetish about them,
    is that true?

    Yes! JF goes to the gym not to work out but to watch men in the locker
    room. He loves to post about the male sexual organs he has seen in locker
    rooms over the years, especially his unnatural obsession with foreskins.
    He stalks the men in locker rooms trying to measure how much foreskin they
    have, or how little is left if they have been circumcised. He gets
    extremely excited when he spots a case of phimosis.

    15. Oh my Gawd, this guy is nuts! He should be locked up in an insane

    Yep, JF is certifiably insane. He lives in a black helicopter / tin foil
    hat world where others are out to get him. The key to understanding JF is
    that he sees himself as a VICTIM. To JF the world is out to get him,
    especially the USA. Victimhood is what JF is all about.

    What seems to have sent him over the edge was when the Canadian rail system
    was "killed", in his words. He used to be a major train nut, spotting
    trains, writing down their numbers and chasing them down at the train yard
    like a good freak. Then he turned his attention to aviation. Major events
    that made him fall head first deep into the abyss were the bankruptcy of
    Canadian Airlines and their subsequent takeover by Air Canada (whom he sees
    as evil). So paranoid is he that when an Air Canada plane crashed he
    claimed that Air Canada employees went lurking about in the night with
    buckets of white paint to cover up the Air Canada markings. He saw that as
    symbolic of a cover up of the crash investigation. He has never recovered
    from this.

    16. Where else does he hang out, I want to avoid him!

    His main haunt on usenet is comp.os.vms, a newsgroup dedicated to some
    ancient, arcane, obsolete piece of vax crapware that nobody has taken
    seriously for decades. JF hangs out there with other misfits and social
    dropouts who share his psychological traumas, crying for the good old vax
    days of yore. It's really pathetic!

    17. Where else does he hang out?

    can.internet.highspeed,, and a few other geeky computer
    groups. For a while after the Shuttle Columbia disaster he invaded the groups, in particular, and trolled it
    relentlessly with the anti-American, conspiracy theory crap he's so famous
    for. But they ran him off that group and he had to go crawling back to
    comp.os.vms with his tail between his legs, licking his wounds.

    18. It sounds like comp.os.vms is the only group he respects and doesn't

    Pretty much. For a megatroll like JF it's impossible not to troll, so he
    slips in troll bait every now and then, but by and large he respects
    comp.os.vms, and, more importantly, he tries to hide his trolling
    activities from them so they won't find out what a major netkook he is.

    19. Wow, sounds like he should be exposed so they will know what kind of
    psycho he is!

    Exactly. Feel free to post all his trolls to comp.os.vms. And while
    you're at it post them to can.internet.highspeed and too.
    And to alt.usenet.kooks, a group for the likes of JF, and

    20. What else can I do? Is there an abuse address?

    Yes, you should send complaints along with copies of his troll posts to:

    a b u s e @ t e k s a v v y . c o m
    d n s a d m i n @ t e k s a v v y . c o m
    a b u s e @ t e r a n e w s . c o m
    a b u s e @ a s t r a w e b . c o m


    You can also call directly, troll free, 1-877-779-1575.

    TekSavvy Solutions Inc.
    330 Richmond St., Suite 205
    Chatham, ON, Canada
    N7M 1P7

    And feel free to distribute this FAQ freely. Post it to newsgroups, email
    it to people, you may host it at your own website, send it to newspapers
    and magazines that do Internet articles or anything to do with Montreal or
    Canada, etc.

    *** APPENDIX ***

    List of some of the many trolling aliases used by Mezei over the years.
    This is only a partial list, he has so many it's impossible to compile a
    full list.

    j f m e z e i @ t e k s a v v y . c o m
    j f m e z e i . s p a m n o t @ t e k s a v v y . c o m
    j f m e z e i @ i s t o p . c o m
    j f m e z e i . s p a m n o t @ i s t o p . c o m
    j f m e z e i @ v i d e o t r o n . c a
    j f m e z e i @ v l . v i d e o t r o n . c a
    n o s p a m . j f m e z e i @ v i d e o t r o n . c a
    " j f m e z e i " @ v i d e o t r o n . c a [ n o s p a m ]

    nobody <n o b o d y @ n o b o d y . c o m>
    nobody <n o b o d y @ n o b o d y . n e t>
    nobody <n o b o d y @ n o b o d y . o r g>
    nobody <n o b o d y @ n o b o d y . i n f o>
    nobody <n o b o d y @ n o b o d y . i n t>
    nobody <n o b o d y @ n o t h i n g . n i l>
    nobody <n o b o d y @ n u l l . d e v>

    Janice Staples <[email protected]>
    Lorenna Bobbit <>
    Lando Calrisian <[email protected]>
    muklak <[email protected]>
    Sheep skin <[email protected]>
    snowy squirrel <[email protected]>
    Conspiracy Theory <[email protected]>
    Lou Raccoon <[email protected]>
    Flapping Labias <[email protected]>
    Throbbing vulva <[email protected]>
    Twin Gonads <[email protected]>
    Loose Scrotum <l*****[email protected]>
    Raised Organ <[email protected]>
    Popped Cherry <[email protected]>
    Monica Lewinski <[email protected]>
    Deep Fried Foreskin <[email protected]>
    Aroma of Smegma <[email protected]>
    Wet fart <[email protected]>
    Pubic dandruff <[email protected]>
    Voluptuous Nipple <[email protected]>
    Inserted Finger <[email protected]>
    Pubic Nair <[email protected]>
    Flatulent Meatus <[email protected]>
    Lihk Mhygroin <[email protected]>
    Pre Khum <[email protected]>
    Phi Mosis <[email protected]>
    Bal Anatis <[email protected]>
    Fren Ullum <[email protected]>
    Ivanna Getlaid <[email protected]>
    Ivanna Wankalot <[email protected]>
    Ivanna Umpalot <[email protected]>
    Wan Tnoneofit <[email protected]>
    Wan Itbad <[email protected]>
    Wan Towank <[email protected]>
    Wan Tolik <[email protected]>
    Testos Terone <[email protected]>
    Upper Gonad <[email protected]>
    Right Gonad <[email protected]>
    Left Gonad <[email protected]>
    Tyson's Glands <[email protected]>
    Nose Hair <[email protected]>
    Coronal Sulcus <[email protected]>
    Corpus Cavernus <[email protected]>
    Armpit moisture <[email protected]>
    Onani Room <[email protected]>
    Arnie's Banana <[email protected]>
    Raised eyebrows <[email protected]>
    Vas Deferens <[email protected]>
    Naked Canuck <[email protected]>
    Arni's socks <[email protected]>
    Notable Exception <[email protected]>
    Unpopped Cherry <[email protected]>
    Tatooed Ovaries <[email protected]>
    Pierced eyelid <[email protected]>
    Limp Tomato <[email protected]>
    Eggplant Earrings <[email protected]>
    Banana Underpants <[email protected]>
    Naval Lint <[email protected]>
    Ingrown Toenail <[email protected]>
    Empty Stomach <[email protected]>
    Full Stomach <[email protected]>
    Smelly Cat <[email protected]>
    Torn Ligament <[email protected]>
    Art Tistic <[email protected]>
    Furry Raccoon <[email protected]>
    Wet Racoon <[email protected]>
    Mad Racoon <[email protected]>
    Lazy Racoon <[email protected]>
    Eaten Racoon <[email protected]>
    Happy Raccoon <[email protected]>
    Sleeping Racoon <[email protected]>
    Hungry Racoon <[email protected]>
    Horny Raccoon <[email protected]>
    Smart Raccoon <[email protected]>
    George W Raccoon <[email protected]>
    Ronald McRaccoon <[email protected]>
    Thirsty Raccoon <[email protected]>
    Johnny Raccoon <[email protected]>
    Oshi Santo <[email protected]>
    Oishi Chinko <[email protected]>
    T.Yellow <[email protected]>
    Q <[email protected]>
    Borg Queen <[email protected]>
    Ronald Wilkerson <[email protected]>
    John Balterman <[email protected]>


    See More: Shots fired on AA plane (Miami)

  2. #2
    Marc Bissonnette

    Re: Shots fired on AA plane (Miami)

    Nomen Nescio <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]:

    > It's Mezei. What did you expect?
    > About
    > JF MEZEI
    > The "nobody" troll of and "John Doe" troll of the
    >* newsgroups.
    > (Rev. August 3, 2005)
    > Written by:
    > Marc Bissonnette

    > and
    > Darrell Larose

    <rolls eyes>

    Yeah, that's right: Both Darrel *and* myself got together, wrote a long-
    winded rant and diatribe about JF Mezei and neither of us had the balls
    to use our real email address, chose to use an anonymous remailer, but
    then had the brilliance to use not only our names, but our addresses and
    phone numbers in the body of the message.

    You know, Mikey, even for you, this is really pushing the limits of
    simple and sheer stupidity.

    If you're going to forge someone else (this is the free clue part, coming
    up, here), you're supposed to at least *try* to write like them.

    If you think you're revealing some big, deep, dark secret about posting
    Darrel's and my home addresses and that we're going to start barricading
    the doors and purchasing large calibre firearms: (Another free clue
    coming up: You're getting a real bargain, here): Darrel and I both own
    several domain names that we've registered with our real contact

    You see, Mikey, I (and, I would assume, Darrel), don't have a problem
    using our names to stand behind our words. You, of course, seem to have a
    problem with that: In fact, you went as far as to childishly (and
    frankly, quite poorly) spoof me via Dizum, not to mention inumerable
    other people who you decide that you don't like.

    Of course, I am assuming that you suffer from some form of disorder that
    affects not only your basic intelligence, but your ability to perceive
    the blindingly obvious: Many, if not most, of the newsgroups that you
    post your little rants and diatribes to have absolutely *zero* respect
    for and give *zero* credibility to items posted via an anonymous
    remailer, *especially* when they are attacks on other people.

    If I want to call you a moron, coward and generally all-around stupid
    excuse for a human being, I'll use my own name and real email address to
    do it.

    Mind you, I don't have a problem standing by my words: Something that you
    just don't have the basic ability to even comprehend, much less do.

    Marc Bissonnette
    CGI / Database / Web Management Tools:
    Looking for a new ISP?

  3. #3

    Re: Shots fired on AA plane (Miami)

    Hi Nomen Nescio,

    Sounds like you and JF/Marc have a little history....

    The Handle you are using.... I'm currious as to what it means. I'm
    fairly certain it's latin and by that, it could represent a few
    different meanings.

    Which does it represent?

    A - Unknown Name


    B - Power of Ignorance


    C - Something else? without a doubt an interest choice of handles.


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