Notan wrote:

> It sounds like you and/or CS are confusing Wireless Web
> with Vision.
> They're not the same.
> Notan

In preparation to bring Sprint into mandatory arbitration (more on that
to be posted later), I ran across this in the terms of service:
"Wireless Web. Wireless Web Services may be available depending on your
device and Service plan/option. This is not a Vision service."

Well, that's speaks very clearly that they are not one and the same.
So, if I have Wireless Web on my account and not Vision, and then they
accuse me of abusing Vision (which is not on my account), then it is
clear Sprint really did mess up with the letter to me.

Thanks to you folks who have helped me clearly understand the
difference between Vision and Wireless Web.

See More: Bogus Allegation of using phone as modem / Cancellation Threatened