What phone have you got and how would you rate it?


I am conducting an personal research to see which is the most popular
handset and if people like it.
This could be a very good place for all of us that want to purchase a
phone in the near future, to see what other people have got and how did
they rate it.

Please submit your phone and rating: http://www.liveemerald.com/

Thanks a lot in advance!

Please, could you spread the word around (friends, family colleagues)
mentioning my site http://www.liveemerald.com/ ? I really need as many
people as possible participating on this project! :-) Thank you...

PS: this is my personal homepage I am not affiliated or associated to
any company, it is not spam, I am not asking for any sort of personal
information from you. Thanks for helping me in this project!!!

See More: Let's find out which is the most popular phone on the planet