Hi all, i was wondering if someone could help, my mobile phone bill came
this morning and was £60:00 over the monthly limit, i looked at the
itemised bill and noticed one phone number it was listed about 400

I phoned it up and to my horror i found out it was my sons girlfriend,
my son lives in Wales now with his mam, not only that my daughter who
lives with me on her statement was my sons phone number which had been
listed about the same amount of times.

how can my son use mine and my daughters phone numbers to send texts to
each other when they live in Wales and we live 300 miles away and it
shows up on my statement as if it were me and my daughter texting each
other ?

could they do it thru the internet if he stole my credit card details
and bank details somehow ?

im dumb founded how they text each other 300 miles away and the my
phone company is charging me cause it states it was my and my daughters
phone that was doing the texting yet it was defo not.

any help would be great, i can not phone my son up cause his mobile has
been disconnected and his girlfriend is denying all.

cheers Clash


See More: Scammed Somehow ?