I get a call from Motorola service, saying my month old phone needs an
update to They guide me to the IDEN site, and we get the update going.
About half way through, the installation "coughs" and fails to complete
leaving the phone non-responsive- ("Flashtrap" and other meaningless items
appear on the screen). The unit won't even power off! Then the brain surgeon
from Motorola asks me if I am using Win XP. Of couse I am and then he tells
me that that is the problem- Wrong!

I switch to another machine that has Win Me on it and he tells me that
should solve the problem, but if it does not the unit will have to go to a
service center to be reset! This on a holiday weekend at 5 PM Friday! I am
envisioning bad things- 4 days without a phone and having to drive 30 miles
to a service center- (the local retailer could not perform the operation).
The original phone was still no-go on Me, so I get the bright idea to
upgrade my 2nd phone, and maybe learn something more along the way. The
update gets to the same point and 'coughs" again, leaving me with 2 bad

I call the retailer and he explains that he had the same problem on other
phones. After a non-productive call to Nextel customer service I call back
Motorola and get a much brighter rep that suggests removing the sim for
about a minute- replace it and then and power up the phone- Viola!
everything is fine and the software is atill at .04

The .05 software is suppossed to eliminate some charging problem.....
Beware! I can't get it to work and unless you are lucky enough to catch a
good service rep, you could be down a while. No one else seemed to have the
right info except the one guy I got. I hope I saved someone from a couple
of frustrating hours......

See More: New software upgrade i90- .05