* Coaxing More Bars Out of That Cellphone*

' [image: http://www.symbian-freak.com/images/news/07/03/boostm.jpg]'

Garbled conversations and dropped calls are the bane of cellphone users
— not to mention the dead zones where calls cannot go through to begin
with. But some recent products are designed to overcome these
annoyances, improve cellular reception, and, in some cases, even extend

The simplest and least expensive option is to use a passive antenna.
Like the antennas installed in cars at the dawn of the cellphone
revolution, these devices work like rabbit ears on a TV or an FM
aerial. Their increased size an... .

http://www.symbian-freak.com/forum/i...con_arrow.gif] '
Boost Signal, Get You Better Mobile Coverage - full story '

Sincerely yours,
- Apoc -


See More: + Boost Cell Phone Signal, Get Better Mobile Coverage