Deluxe Moon

With this app you will enjoy moon phases with all kind of bells and whistles: five different widgets, moon phase calendar, zodiac circles with astronomical constellations, moon phase dates and azimuth etc.


Moon widget: Yes, five.
Moonrise and moonset times: Yes
Moon calendar: Yes
Phase date and time: Yes
Moon zodiacs: Yes, tropical, sidereal and astronomical.
Moon azimuth: Yes, with visual picture.
Free Lite version: Yes.

- Widgets.
- Moonrise and moonset times
- Sunrise and sunset times
- A moon calendar
- Phase date and time
- Moon zodiacs and azimuth
- Moon brightness
- Lunar forecast and Moon gardening tips
- Application size

Conclusion: this app delivers the most comprehensive and precise info about the moon, it is packed with great features and has the best graphics.

Rating: 4/5

Moon Phase Pro

Moon Phase Pro is geared twords social networks: you can share your comments and likes with your friends and others app users through Socialize.


Moon widget: Yes
Moonrise and moonset times: No
Moon calendar: Yes
Phase date and time: Yes.
Moon zodiacs: Yes
Moon azimuth: No
Free Lite version: No

- Useful Moon information about phase date and time.
- Other moon unrelated information related to swoing and fishing.
- Graphics can be better.

Rating: 4/5


The heart of this app is a set of circles that show you the current moon phase, the season of the year and other information. The author managed to also put all of this info in a widget without any numbers.


Moon widget: Yes
Moonrise and moonset times: No
Moon calendar: No
Phase date and time: only for Full moon.
Moon zodiacs: No
Moon azimuth: No
Free Lite version: Yes

- A widget.
- Some information about phase date and time.
- Other moon unrelated information: current season, twilight and sun data.
- A widget is too small.
- Time is measured by astronomical standards, not hours and minutes.
- Graphics has a lot of room for improvement.

Conclusion: an interesting new concept, worth checking out if you curious about new stuff.

Rating: 3/5

ZP Compass Pro

It is an app with a sophisticated interface that includes quite a few visuals: a compass, angular ranges for the moon and its azimuth as well as moon elevation diagram.


Moon widget: No
Moonrise and moonset times: Yes
Moon calendar: Yes
Phase date and time: No
Moon zodiacs: No
Moon azimuth: Yes
Free Lite version: Yes

- Moonrise and moonset times
- A moon calendar.
- Moon azimuth.
- Moon path
- No widgets.
- Graphics.

Conclusion: if you like new, unusual visual concepts this app is worth checking out.

Rating: 3/5

See More: Most Popular Moon Phase Applications for Android