Add a New Contact

Your device can store up to 600 Contacts and you contacts can have up to 7 phone numbers.

  1. From the Home screen, touch the HOME tab.
  2. Then tap Contacts.
  3. Tap Add New.
  4. Tap New Contact.
  5. In the Enter Name field, enter the desired contact name and tap Done.
  6. In the Add Number field, enter a phone number -> then tap Done.
  7. Enter any other desired information and when finished, tap Done.

Editing Your Contact

  1. Go to the contact you wish to edit.
  2. Then tap the Edit icon located at the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Select the information you want to edit (such as the Name, Ringer, etc.).
  4. Edit the information or add new information as desired.
  5. When finished, tap Done.

Assigning Speed Dial Numbers

Your LG Rumor Reflex S can store up to 98 phone numbers in speed dial locations.

  1. From the Home screen, touch the HOME tab.
  2. Tap Contacts.
  3. Then tap More.
  4. Tap Settings -> touch Speed Numbers.
  5. Select an available speed dial location.
  6. Tap the desired contact and select the desired phone number.

Replacing an Already In-Use Speed Dial Location with a New Phone Number

  1. From the Home screen, touch the HOME tab.
  2. Tap Contacts.
  3. Then tap More.
  4. Tap Settings -> tap Speed Numbers.
  5. Tap the desired a speed dial location to replace.
  6. Finally, tap Replace and select the new phone number.

Assigning a Picture to a Particular Contact

  1. Go to the Home screen and tap the HOME tab.
  2. Then tap Main Menu.
  3. Touch Settings.
  4. Tap Display.
  5. Touch Picture ID -> tap Contacts > tap One Contact.
  6. Then select the contact you would like to assign the photo to.
  7. Select one of the following options: No Image, Take New Picture (if you choose this setting, the camera of your phone will launch so you will be able to take a photo right away), My Photos, Downloaded Images, or Assigned Media.
  8. Tap the picture you wish to assign -> then tap Assign.
  9. When ready, tap Done to save the assigned picture.

Assigning a Ringtone to a Contact

  1. Go to the Home screen and tap the HOME tab.
  2. Then tap Contacts.
  3. Select the desired contact.
  4. Touch Contact Details.
  5. Tap Default Ringer.
  6. Select the desired ringer type – choose from Default Ringer, Downloaded Ringers, Other Ringers, etc.
  7. Tap the ringtone that you wish to assign.
  8. The ringtone is now assigned.

Creating a Group

  1. Go to the Home screen and tap the HOME tab.
  2. Then tap Contacts.
  3. Tap Add New -> tap New Group.
  4. Tap the members that you wish to add to the group.
  5. After all the members are selected, tap Continue.
  6. In the Enter Group Name field, name your new group
  7. Then tap Done.
  8. To save the group, tap Done once more.

See More: LG Rumor Reflex S: Manage the Contacts (Add, Edit, Assign Pictures to Your Contacts & More)