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  1. #1
    Klause77 is offline
    Miembro Junior

    Hi Guys! I need your help. I just accidentally deleted some important files on my Macbook and I'm not sure how to effectively recover them. Any ideas? It's been 2 days since then so I'm really hoping they are still there and not yet overwritten. Found this while searching for tips how to retrieve deleted files on Mac on the web but I'm wary yet until I get someone who has experienced the same thing and have successfully recovered files. I would appreciate your thoughts. Thanks in advance!

    > Ver Más: Recupera Eliminó Archivos Mac

  2. #2
    June is offline
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    Re: Recover Deleted Files Mac

    As I know there are special applications which can help you to recover deleted files. Try to search in internet.

  3. #3
    Leggent is offline
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    United States
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    Re: Recover Deleted Files Mac

    Yes, you are right. It is quite easy to recover deleted files nowadays. I can recommend to try Disk Drill Data Recovery for Mac, this premium application always works perfectly for me. I'm a photographer and often lose important photos. This program saved my life a lot of times!

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