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  1. #1
    bounceback is offline
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    I'm 24 and I have been practicing meditation casually for 4 years. At the beginning it was to reduce my insomnia, so I started with breath-focusing meditation. I practiced in my bed, 10 - 20min before sleep, lied down (I just don't find the lotus position more beneficial). And along the years it cured my insomnia, now I can even fall asleep in the bus or in the plane, which was impossible to me before !

    Anyway, back on the the reason why I write here. When I practice breath-focusing, I can reach a very restful, calm state. And from here, I am able to focus solely on something. I tried different things I found here or on the internet, and I got various results. Last week, I started focusing on my Heart Rhythm, feeling the blood pulsing from my heart to my extremities, through my blood vessels, a whole new feel for me.

    Yesterday night, I focused more on the time between each pump, and I naturally started to try to slow down the rhythm, the way I slow down my breath when I do breath-focusing. Making the time between each pump longer, and longer. Suddenly, I began to feel like I have pins and needles everywhere, the kind of feeling you have in your legs when you sit too long, or in your head when you stand up too fast. I can't feel my heart, it's like I am not powered anymore. I don't know how to word it but it seems I'm letting myself die. Feels like if I'm going deeper, I will not be able to comeback.

    I had to stop here, panicked and lethargic at the same time. I woke up, had a glass of water, checked the time, and I decided to try it again, to see how long does it takes me to reach this state (when I stop focusing on my breath I loose the track of time). I reached it again, held it a bit longer but it's too scary to go deeper. It takes me around 30min to achieve it.

    Is anyone can guide me on what to do here ?

    > See More: Heart Rhythm meditation, scary experiene

  2. #2
    SimpleToes is offline
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    Re: Heart Rhythm meditation, scary experiene

    When monks lower their heartrate, they don't do it by focusing on controlling the heart. They just go into a deep restful state of meditation. Our bodies control the heart naturally and much better than our conscious minds can. Simply through deepening the meditation, the heart will beat as quickly or as slowly as is required.

  3. #3
    thomasander01 is offline
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    Re: Heart Rhythm meditation, scary experiene

    Text automatically translated from: Portuguese to: Spanish
    I agree with author.

  4. #4
    dondiablo is offline
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    Re: Heart Rhythm meditation, scary experiene

    Hey! In fact, almost any of us can have the same experience as you if we don’t take care of our heart health. In general, I highly recommend you control your health and heart rhythm
    Last edited by dondiablo; 12-25-2021 at 08:28 PM.

  5. #5
    AnthonyMorgan is offline
    Miembro Junior


    Re: Heart Rhythm meditation, scary experiene

    I am about to complete some good capsules for the personal care of my skin from the page of so I want to know what kind of medicines I can continue taking if I am looking for the easiest way to gain a body healthier skin more elasticity to gain a better body shape

  6. #6
    spio1236 is offline


    Re: Heart Rhythm meditation, scary experiene

    ohh i need this

  7. #7
    SimpleToes is offline
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    Re: Heart Rhythm meditation, scary experiene

    I have always had minor health problems, and mostly with my heart, so I try to take care of myself so as not to make mistakes that will lead to many problems. And I recently learned about HRV app . I was advised to try for a long time, but my hands did not reach. And now I thought it was worth doing it. I hope it will be easier for me to monitor my health.

  8. #8
    DavidBrownman is offline
    Miembro Junior


    Re: Heart Rhythm meditation, scary experiene

    Wow, amazing info!!

  9. #9
    CarolinaM is offline
    Miembro Junior


    Re: Heart Rhythm meditation, scary experiene

    Thanks for this interesting info!!

  10. #10
    SouthSidde is offline


    Re: Heart Rhythm meditation, scary experiene

    Text automatically translated from: Italian to: Spanish
    You have written a very interesting article that is worth reading even for people who know nothing at all about meditation and everything related to it. It is really worthwhile for each of us to try meditating at least once in our lives because it has a very positive effect on our health. Both mentally and physically. Many people who work in the service sector often have to be nervous because of different factors. I work as a waiter in a famous restaurant and I often have a bad mood because of the visitors. I decided to get in touch with Mindfulness Teacher Training because I had heard that meditation helps to calm down and get my thoughts and nerves in order. I hope I have helped some of you.

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