I am happy to be a member of this group and I consider you my friends.
As a friend , I like to share with you some thoughts that I believe
will be useful for your life.

Scientific Accuracy of Quran amazes you

This message is based on an article titled "Highlights of Human
embryology in the Qur'an and Haidth" by Dr.Keith Moore, Professor of
Anatomy and Chairman of the Department, Faculty of Medicine, at the
University of Toronto.Dr. Moore points out that the study of how the
human embryo develops in the mother's womb could not progress
significantly without the use of microscopes. Microscopes were not
invented until the 17th century C.E., and were not used in this field
of study until the 18th century. Therefore, when Dr. Moore studied
certain statements in the Qur'an on this subject, he remarked, " I was
amazed at the scientific accuracy of these statements which were made
in the 7th century C.E.,"

The Qur'an in 39:6 states that God made us in the wombs of our mothers
in stages. Dr. Moore comments: "The realization that the embryo
develops in stages in the uterus was not proposed until the1940's, and
the stages used nowadays were not adopted worldwide until the 19th
century C.E."Furthermore, he says: "The idea that development results
from a genetic plan contained in the chromosomes, of the zygote was
not discovered until the end of the 19th century C.E. The verse from
the Qur'an [80:18] clearly implies that the nutfa (i.e.
the initial drop of fluid) contains the plan or blueprint for the
future characteristics and features of the developing human being."The
Qur'an 23: 12-16 indicates that there is a lag or a gap between two of
the early stages of growth. How does that compare with modern
scientific knowledge? Remarkably! Says

Dr. Moore: "It is well established that there is a lag or a delay in
the development of
the embryo during the implantation… The agreement between the lag or
gap in development mentioned in the Qur'an and the slow rate of change
occurring during the second or third weeks is amazing. These details
of human development were not described until about 40 years

Dr. Moore concludes by saying that the agreement he has found in the
Qur'anic statements 'may help to close the gap between science and
religion which has existed for so many years."The above evidence shows
that the Qur'an must be from God as it claims. The Qur'an says that
you and every human being should consider this book with care: {Had it
been from anyone other than God, you would have found much discrepancy
in it} [Qur'an 4:82]

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See More: Scientific Accuracy of Quran amazes you