Hi again.

Noticed your forums went down for a bit. Have to repost now again

My client recently bought a pc from us and I was asked if I could set up her I-Mate JAMin to work as a sort of modem so she could connect on her computer to the internet via gprs.

Initially I had trouble getting the gprs settings from my service provider so I asked them where I could get it from. They directed me to Leaf who provided me with the necesarry files to install it on the phone.

I did not receive any errors during installation.

In my knowledge about my SA service providers it usually takes around 24 hours before the gprs is active, so we waited. To no avail. I e-mailed Leaf again asking for assistance, and they have still not, one week later, replied to my e-mail.

So I thought I'd try you guys.

Anything I could try?



See More: I-Mate JAMin Feature Query