Block Calls from a Phone Number/Contact:

  1. Open “Phone
  2. Tap “menu” > “Settings” and access “Call blocking
  3. Enter the phone number you want to block, or select the desired contact
  4. Tap “Block

Unblock Calls from a Phone Number/Contact:

  1. Launch “Phone
  2. Tap “Menu
  3. Tap “Settings” > “Call blocking
  4. Tap the “X” button next to the phone number you want to unblock
  5. Tap “Unblock

Block Messages via Google Messages:

  1. Open Google Messages
  2. Tap and hold the phone number/contact you want to block
  3. Tap “Menu” > “People & Options” > “Block [phone number]”
  4. Tap “OK

NOTE: Blocked messages will be archived and notification alerts will be disabled for all of the archived messages.

Unblock Messages:

  1. Launch Google Messages and tap “Menu
  2. Go to “Archived
  3. Select the phone number you want to unblock
  4. Tap “Menu” > “People & Options
  5. Tap “Unblock [phone number]”

Clear the Call Log:

  1. Launch “Phone
  2. Access the “History” tab
  3. For more details on a call log entry, select it
  4. To clear the call log, tap “Menu” > “Clear call history” > “OK

Enable Call Forwarding:

  1. Open “Phone
  2. Tap “Menu
  3. Tap “Settings” > “Call settings
  4. Access “Call forwarding” and select “Always forward
  5. Enter the phone number you want to use for call forwarding. Alternatively, select a contact
  6. Tap “Turn On

Enable Conditional Call Forwarding:

  1. Launch “Phone” and tap “Menu
  2. Tap “Settings” > “Call forwarding
  3. Select to forward incoming calls “When unanswered” “When unreachable” or “When busy
  4. Edit or enter the phone number you want to use for call forwarding or select a contact from the phonebook
  5. Tap “Turn On” or “Update

Disable Call Forwarding:

  1. Open “Phone
  2. Tap “Menu
  3. Tap “Settings” > “Call settings
  4. Go to “Call forwarding
  5. Select the forwarding option you want to disable and tap “Turn Off

See More: Micromax Infinity N11: Block/Unblock Calls and Messages, Manage Call Forwarding