Now I'm really confused. Have been a contract phone user for years, certainly am drawn to the monthly-pay/no-contract plans, and am getting info and dis-info all over the place. I understand I'm limited in handsets with these type plans, I'd have to compromise there and settle for something less than a high-end handset, but am finding a black hole in explanation of carriers and level of service. First, Walmart's StraightTalk tells me their phones use either ATT or Verizon, whichever tower is closest. But BestBuy tells me that's hogwash, that StraightTalk uses TrakPhone, and I don't understand what TrakPhone is, is it an independent provider with its own tower locations and far less coverage/signal-strength, or a system that subcontracts with ATT/Verizon as a second-class user of their otherwise full-coverage/strong-signal services? One story given me is that StraightTalk users do enjoy ATT/Verizon full-coverage/strong-signal service, but are bumped as soon as contract users fill available user space, calls and data connections either aren't made or are just dropped (the infamous "dropped call"). I can say that calls with others using StraightTalk from my ATT contract phone seem to experience a far larger incidence of drops than calls between me and other contract phone users, so maybe there's truth in that. Second, is something like Sprint Boost, with the name "Sprint" right in its title, using the same Sprint system as contract Sprint users, or again, using some reduced system and subject to being bumped as second-class users? Third, fourth, fifth, etc. all revolve around these first two type questions, just with names like Virgin, etc., same concepts, so I'll keep this short and not speak specifically of them. These monthly-pay/no-contract plans certainly are appealing rate-wise, just what is one getting coverage/strength/priority-wise?

Many thanks for taking the time.

See More: Now I'm really confused, who's providing what?