Keep reading if you wish to get a Razr V3 Cell Phone

It’s pretty simple all you got to do is click here[email protected]

This link takes you to a webpage that offers the Razr for $30
The way it works might be a little more confusing

What happens is when you sign up you are actually purchasing a smaller gift
2 Referral credits witch is a great way to get started off or 500 ring tones witch is a great price considering most sites offer ring tones for about a dollar.

Once you make your purchase you are then put on a waiting list.
You have to be patient.

Once the list fills up a free gift will be sent out to the next person so the more people that sign up the faster everyone gets there gifts.

For Example: other Motorola Razr V3 has a signup amount of 35. That means 35 people need to signup for that list before the next person receives their phone.

You can jump people on the list by referring your friends and coworkers. For every person you refer, you get to move ahead one person. This will be shown next to your name.

If you refer 18 people you get to skip the wait and get your gift!

So don’t be a dummy and spend over 600 dollars to get this phone
You might have to wait a while but its better then spending 600 dollars

So what are you waiting for[email protected]
Sign up and get it sooner!
And if you choose to sing up please use my referral link

See More: Want a **NEW Razr V3** for $30, CLICK!