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Topic Review (Newest First)

  • 02-14-2007, 07:57 PM
    Okay, I found a couple of threads here and elsewhere where the miniSD card was causing problems, so I removed it and now I can upload some files. No errors now.

    New problem, though. I can't seem to upload files that are dated after a certain date. I can upload a pic from 07/2006, but anything after that does not upload. The next date pic I have is from 10/2006, so I'm not sure where the cutoff is, but it doesn't work.

    Any ideas?

  • 02-14-2007, 09:27 AM
    I have a VX8100 that I can download phonebook, sounds, etc. from, but when I try to upload a ringtone, or phonebook entry, or any other data, I get an error message from BitPim. Is this a setting within BitPim, or can I just not do this with this phone?

    Here is the error message text:

    BitPim version: 0.9.10-official
    An unexpected exception has occurred.
    Please see the help for details on what to do.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "gui.pyo", line 277, in run
    File "gui.pyo", line 154, in __call__
    File "gui.pyo", line 1940, in senddata
    File "gui.pyo", line 1952, in writeringtone
    File "phones\com_lg.pyo", line 670, in saveringtones
    File "phones\com_lgvx8100.pyo", line 831, in savemedia
    File "phones\com_lgvx8100.pyo", line 629, in _write_index_file
    File "phones\com_brew.pyo", line 484, in listfiles
    File "phones\com_brew.pyo", line 781, in sendbrewcommand
    BrewCommandException: Brew Error 0x20

    Variables by last 8 frames, innermost last

    Frame __call__ in gui.pyo at line 154
    self = <gui.Request instance at 0x07238AA8>
    args = ()
    d = Keys []
    kwargs = Keys []

    Frame senddata in gui.pyo at line 1940
    count = 0
    self = <WorkerThread(BitPim helper, started daemon)>
    args = [{'wallpaper-index': {128: {'origin': 'images', 'vtype': 256, 'name': u'03070620
    xx = (<bound method WorkerThread.writeringtone of <WorkerThread(BitPim helper, starte
    dict = Keys ['groups', 'reboot_delay', 'ringtone', 'ringtone-index', 'uniqueserial', 'wallpaper-index']
    {'wallpaper-index': {128: {'origin': 'images', 'vtype': 256, 'name': u'030706203
    func = <bound method WorkerThread.writeringtone of <WorkerThread(BitPim helper, started
    todo = [(<bound method WorkerThread.writeringtone of <WorkerThread(BitPim helper, start
    desc = 'Ringtone'

    Frame writeringtone in gui.pyo at line 1952
    merge = True
    self = <WorkerThread(BitPim helper, started daemon)>
    data = Keys ['groups', 'reboot_delay', 'ringtone', 'ringtone-index', 'uniqueserial', 'wallpaper-index']
    {'wallpaper-index': {128: {'origin': 'images', 'vtype': 256, 'name': u'030706203

    Frame saveringtones in phones\com_lg.pyo at line 670
    merge = True
    self = <phones.com_lgvx8100.Phone instance at 0x07238DF0>
    results = Keys ['groups', 'reboot_delay', 'ringtone', 'ringtone-index', 'uniqueserial', 'wallpaper-index']
    {'wallpaper-index': {128: {'origin': 'images', 'vtype': 256, 'name': u'030706203

    Frame savemedia in phones\com_lgvx8100.pyo at line 831
    results = Keys ['groups', 'reboot_delay', 'ringtone', 'ringtone-index', 'uniqueserial', 'wallpaper-index']
    {'wallpaper-index': {128: {'origin': 'images', 'vtype': 256, 'name': u'030706203
    ii = 100
    names = ['tada.mp3']
    typemajor = 513
    lowestindex = 100
    x = -1
    vtype = 1026
    self = <phones.com_lgvx8100.Phone instance at 0x07238DF0>
    filename = 'brew/16452/lk/mr/tada.mp3'
    maps = (('ringers', 'dload/my_ringtone.dat', 'dload/my_ringtonesize.dat', 'brew/16452/l
    init = Keys ['ringers', 'sounds']
    {'ringers': {100: {'origin': 'ringers', 'data': '\xff\xf3@\xc4\x00\x14I\xe2L\x01
    fixups = []
    type = 'ringers'
    fstat = Keys ['date', 'datevalue', 'name', 'size', 'type']
    {'date': (1171465238, '02/14/07 09:00:38'), 'type': 'file', 'name': 'brew/16452/
    index = 255
    mediakey = 'ringtone'
    wpi = Keys []
    wp = Keys []
    reindexfunction = <bound method Phone.getringtoneindices of <phones.com_lgvx8100.Phone instance at
    data = '\xff\xf3@\xc4\x00\x14I\xe2L\x01I@\x00\xa8 @\xc6Nsc-\x1a4h\xe78B\x16\x8c.\t\x86\
    _ = 0
    icon = 0
    maxentries = 150
    name = u'Train.mid'
    idx = 100
    f = -1
    mediaindexkey = 'ringtone-index'
    k = 100
    o = 'ringers'
    merge = True
    sizefile = 'dload/my_ringtonesize.dat'
    w = 1
    indexfile = 'dload/my_ringtone.dat'
    directory = 'brew/16452/lk/mr'
    entry = Keys ['data', 'filename', 'name', 'origin']
    {'origin': 'ringers', 'data': '\xff\xf3@\xc4\x00\x14I\xe2L\x01I@\x00\xa8 @\xc6Ns
    fullname = u'brew/16452/ms/Train.mid'
    def_icon = 1

    Frame _write_index_file in phones\com_lgvx8100.pyo at line 636
    _vtype = 513
    _index = 100
    self = <phones.com_lgvx8100.Phone instance at 0x07238DF0>
    _rs_dir = 'mmc1/ringers'
    _files = Keys [u'brew/16452/lk/mr/tada.mp3']
    {u'brew/16452/lk/mr/tada.mp3': {'date': (1171465238, '02/14/07 09:00:38'), 'type
    _need_date = False
    sizefile = 'dload/my_ringtonesize.dat'
    indexfile = 'dload/my_ringtone.dat'
    _maxsize = 155
    _info = Keys ['date', 'dunno', 'icon', 'index', 'indexfile', 'localpath', 'maxsize', 'rspath', 'sizefile', 'vtype']
    {'index': 100, 'vtype': 513, 'dunno': 0, 'localpath': 'brew/16452/lk/mr', 'rspat
    type = 'ringers'
    _icon = 1
    _local_dir = 'brew/16452/lk/mr'
    _dunno = 0

    Frame listfiles in phones\com_brew.pyo at line 501
    i = 0
    self = <phones.com_lgvx8100.Phone instance at 0x07238DF0>
    req = <phones.p_brew.listfilerequest object at 0x07271590>
    results = Keys []
    _broken_date = True
    dir = 'mmc1/ringers'

    Frame sendbrewcommand in phones\com_brew.pyo at line 781
    origdata = 'Y\x0b \x9b\x1c~'
    err = 32
    responseclass = <class 'phones.p_brew.listfileresponse'>
    buffer = <prototypes.buffer instance at 0x0316F4B8>
    calccrc = '\x9b\x1c'
    callsetmode = True
    request = <phones.p_brew.listfilerequest object at 0x07271590>
    firsttwo = 'Y\x0b'
    crc = '\x9b\x1c'
    data = 'Y\x0b '
    self = <phones.com_lgvx8100.Phone instance at 0x07238DF0>
    d = -1

    Thanks in advance for any help!!!


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