Clear Browser Cache

Internet App:

  1. Tap “Apps” on the home screen
  2. Launch “Internet”
  3. Tap “Menu” > “Settings” > “Privacy”
  4. Tap “Delete personal data”
  5. Mark the “Cache” check box and tap “Done”

Chrome App:

  1. Tap “Apps” and launch “Chrome”
  2. Tap “Menu” > “Settings”
  3. Swipe to “Advanced”
  4. Tap “Privacy” and select the “Clear the cache” check box
  5. Tap “Clear” to confirm

Clear Browser Cookies

Internet App:

  1. Launch “Internet”
  2. Tap “Menu” > “Settings” > “Privacy”
  3. Tap “Delete personal data”
  4. Select “Cookies and site data” and tap “Done”

Chrome App:

  1. Open “Chrome” and press “Menu”
  2. Tap “Settings”
  3. Under “Advanced”, tap “Privacy”
  4. Tap “Clear browsing data”
  5. Mark the “Clear cookies, site data” check box
  6. Tap “Clear” to confirm

Clear Browser History

Internet App:

  1. Launch “Internet” and tap “Menu” > “Settings”
  2. Tap “Privacy” > “Delete personal data”
  3. Select “Browsing history” and tap “Done”

Chrome App:

  1. Open “Chrome”
  2. Tap “Menu” > “Settings”
  3. Tap “Privacy” under “Advanced”
  4. Tap “Clear browsing data” and select “Clear browsing history”
  5. Tap “Clear" to confirm

Enable / Disable JavaScript (Internet and Chrome):

  1. Tap “Apps” and launch either “Internet” or “Chrome”
  2. Tap “Menu” > “Settings”
  3. Scroll to “Advanced” and tap “Content settings”
  4. In the “Internet” app, clear / check the “Turn on JavaScript” check box
  5. If using “Chrome”, clear / check “Enable JavaScript”

See More: Samsung Galaxy Note 5: Manage Browser Cache, Cookies, History, and JavaScript