Cell Phone Forums FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

What is appropriate/inappropriate in messages?

Every member agreed to basic forum rules when they joined CPF. These forum rules outlined appropriate content.

But, to review: Message content, attachments, and images should all be governed by a basic PG-13 rating.

Posting of nudity, profanity, implied profanity, sexually suggestive content, suggestions of violence, threats, hateful content, or race/gender discriminatory and prejudicial ideas are against the basic forum rules and will result in the user being banned.

CPF does not condone advertising on this board. Please refrain from advertising products and other websites in your posts. A subtle link in your signature is tolerable in many cases.

CPF values opinions and encourages debate, but debate should be based in fact and respect. Flaming and incendiary remarks will not be tolerated, this is against the basic forum rules and will result in the user being banned.

Why have my posts been deleted?

When you joined CPF you agreed to the forum rules. Either your posts have broken a forum rule (summarized here), or a Moderator has judged your post a trash or junk post.

A trash or junk post is one that is of no use to the forum. Some examples might be random keystrokes, a post that has nothing to do with the thread or forum you've placed it in, series of smilies, or posts that say little more than "Thank you" or "Cool tone."

Advertising is also discouraged on CPF. If a Moderator determines that your post is for the purpose of advertising it will be deleted.

In most cases you can find out why your post was deleted by checking your User CP for a reputation hit (read more here) from a moderator (look for a red indicator) or checking your Private messages for a notification from a moderator. Moderators make notes of infractions and repeated infractions will lead to the offending member being banned from board participation.

How do members get banned?

There are a few reasons that members get banned, most require repeat offenses, but all are at the judgement of board staff. Every user agrees not to advertise when they sign up, and every user agrees to keep our forum "PG-13" (meaning that all content is acceptable for our youngest members). Additionally, members will keep a pleasant and professional atmosphere free from inflammatry, accusational, and insulting language. Failure to comply with these standards of polite professionalism are subject to the judgement of board staff and may be dealt with by banning the offending member.

Let's face it, just like in the rest of the world you are at the mercy of those in charge. Here at CPF we are of the opinion that our board staff works hard enough (with no reward other than the satisfaction of having made the world a better place - not even a coffee mug!) without having to deal with members being inconsiderate just because they can. Any member who goes out of their way to pick fights with, or annoy board staff is subject to a "cool your jets" temporary ban with no warning. If the behavior continues after the ban is lifted then a permanent ban is definitely a consideration. Use your heads folks - please make this entire FAQ listing pointless by being polite.

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